
Friday, November 14, 2008


Processors mainly have two parameters: width of microprocessor and speed. Speed is calculated in Megahertz (MHz).The width of the processor can be expressed in the form of Internal Register, I/O bus
and memory address bus. Microprocessor has different types; Intel processor, AMD, Cyrix, NexGen, IDT, Rise Processors.

Intel processor that belongs to the First Generation of Processors is 8088, 8086, 80186, 80188, and 8087. Intel processors 286, 80287 belong to Second Generation of Processors.

Third Generation microprocessor are 386SX, 386SL, 386DX. AMD 486 (5x86), Cyrix/TI. 486, 486SX, 486SX2, 487SX, 486SL, 486SL2, 486DX, 486DX2, 486DX4 belongs to the Fourth Generation of Microprocessor. Other different types of microprocessor are 486Pentium OD, Pentium 60/66, Pentium 75–200, Pentium MMX, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium II PE, Celeron, Celeron A, Celeron III, Pentium III, Pentium IIIE, Pentium Xeon, Pentium IIIE Xeon, AMD K5, AMD K6, AMD K6-2, AMD K6-3, AMD Athlon, AMD Duron, AMD Athlon 4 (Thunderbird), AMD Athlon 64 and 64 FX,Cyrix 6x8, Cyrix 6x86MX/MII, Cyrix III, NexGen Nx586, IDT Winchip, IDT Winchip2/2A.

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